For Hire

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

incentives? interviews.

So yes, I am sure I am not the only one in this situation of having to come up with ways to put a new spin on the business. Besides other things, I am working towards making my products more affordable.

The first things NOT to do is becoming cheap on the materials or loose the nice packaging, or - heck no! - start to deliver staggering quality. NO!!

I get irritated when I hear how companies try to swindle a couple of cents on their customers by sneaking smaller packaging with less content for the same old price or put padding between meat patties to make it look like there is more...

I am trying to do something that may also help the very dry job market and by the responses to my ads for seamstresses, I can say for sure that there is a lot of demand for jobs right now. You may say: "But if there is no business why add jobs?" By adding more work force, I produce more in less time and the cost goes down. Plus, if well done, I have more time to invest into equally important and sales driving strategies such as ideas for marketing etc.

You read this, are an exceptional seamstress and looking for a job? Apply for an interview now!

It's just great to be able to pick and choose the absolute best person for the task. Employees are in addition more careful of how they work and don't allow themselves to be late or otherwise inefficient. That all will result in lower prices of Idil Vice clothing.

I am going to have a few interviews in the next few days... we'll see how it goes!

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New York, NY, United States
Just like the rare Swiss mountain flower Edelweiss - a symbol of prestige and distinction - the clothing brand IDILVICE (pronouced "Edel-vice") was born in the mountains of Switzerland and since then it's flourishing on the concrete of Manhattan and recently even in the rolling hills of the San Francisco Bay Area. However as the spelling indicates, the label is not meant to be associated with too much folkloric alpine tradition, but rather and probably in the contrary, with unconventionality. The IDILVICE label was founded in 1995 by Swiss Native fashion designer Idil from the city of Saint Gallen, Switzerland, who's foundation dates back to the 7th Century and which became famous for their quality textile products, especially embroidery textiles, which are still popular with Parisian Haute Couture designers today. In search for something less traditional, Master Graphic Designer Idil ventured out to New York City where she fell in love with American Pop Culture.