For Hire

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

10 most inspirational tweets

As you know, I am on Twitter. 55 followers and 63 updates. I am trying to figure out who I do want to follow... which basically means to have to put up with whatever they are twittering about at any time (which sometimes feels a bit like Facebook's "10 Things You Did Not Know About Me"), so this is a decision not to be taken lightly (I have stopped following a few people, because I could not take their tweets).
I follow a lot of fashion people. It's my job. One of my favorite people on Twitter is Karl Lagerfeld (you know he is going to tweet something funny, you can almost hear the German accent). Check out some of his most inspirational tweets so far:

1. The most important thing is to do things, not to have done them.

2. Success nullifies. You then have to do it again, preferably differently.

If I read too much or know too much it's not because I want to talk about it, it's only because it's interesting for me.

I think I'm going to have a dinner party where no one speaks. I'll give all my guests pens and pads instead of the usual dinner conversation.

I have no scene. I go everywhere. I adapt.

I love to photograph architecture because I can do it with nobody, all alone with my small camera. For fashion, I need millions of people.

I only wear the latest thing. It's my job.

Sometimes it’s easy to have ideas, but somebody has to find a way to do it. Often those responsibe for finding a way don’t have the idea.

I hate the word “avant-garde.” It was used, overused, and often used for useless things. So I do not use that word any longer.

On this day each year (Jan. 1st), I soak the previous year's calendar in my mother's favorite perfume and then set it ablaze. Here's to a fresh start.

Hilarious! Follow Karl!

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New York, NY, United States
Just like the rare Swiss mountain flower Edelweiss - a symbol of prestige and distinction - the clothing brand IDILVICE (pronouced "Edel-vice") was born in the mountains of Switzerland and since then it's flourishing on the concrete of Manhattan and recently even in the rolling hills of the San Francisco Bay Area. However as the spelling indicates, the label is not meant to be associated with too much folkloric alpine tradition, but rather and probably in the contrary, with unconventionality. The IDILVICE label was founded in 1995 by Swiss Native fashion designer Idil from the city of Saint Gallen, Switzerland, who's foundation dates back to the 7th Century and which became famous for their quality textile products, especially embroidery textiles, which are still popular with Parisian Haute Couture designers today. In search for something less traditional, Master Graphic Designer Idil ventured out to New York City where she fell in love with American Pop Culture.